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BookAJim API service provides services for communicating with Jims Franchise Management System (FMS) in order to book a job or enquiry to be a franchisee. The API services will take parameters from the entry screen, e.g. address, client name, contact detail and required service, then allocate the job to the available franchisee based on some factors
Two more functions for creating new booking and enquiry which log more detail on source for data tracking
Please note that the CreateNewBooking and CreateNewEnquiry functions are still available with a simple source Id given in Lead Source table.
Following are the methods offer by BookAJim API for the connections
Connecting via Visual Studio If you are developing your website by Visual Studio, you can access the BookAJim API by adding the Service Reference with the following URL
NOTE: For security reason, please provide the URL (e.g. which will access the API services to Jim's Infotech, so it can be configured on the server. Otherwise you will not be able to access the API services.
The BookAJim API Server may down or timeout some time due to the database or network traffic condition, please ensure you run the following to confirm the API is up and running before going ahead with the function
Parameter | Type | Description |
DivisionId | integer | Id of your division |
SourceId | integer | Id of the booking source |
Return | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Booking id |
DivisionId | integer | Division id, should be same as what you passed in |
Parameter | Type | Description |
DivisionId | integer | Id of your division |
SourceId | integer | Set this to 0 |
JimsProvider | string | Jim's leads provider (e.g. Webtron, TMC...) |
JimsProperty | string | Jim's digital property (e.g., |
UtmSource | string | Campaign Source (e.g. Google, Facebook...) |
UtmMedium | string | Campaign Medium (e.g. ppc...) |
UtmCampaign | string | Campaign Name (e.g. spring-sale...) |
UtmTerm | string | Campaign Term (e.g. mow-my-lawn...) |
UtmContent | string | Campaign Content (e.g. call2action1, call2action2...) |
Return | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Booking id |
DivisionId | integer | Division id, should be same as what you passed in |
It is always the first step for creating a new booking object. By passing the DivisionId into the service, there will be a list of available services included in the returned Booking instance.
The BookingStatus is now set to AddressRequired.
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Booking Id return from CreateNewBooking service |
RequestedAddress | string | Full address with unit number, street number, street name, suburb, postcode and state; Expected Format of "RequestedAddress": [UnitNumber][ForwardSlash](Only if there is a unit number)[StreetNumber][Space][StreetName][Comma][Space][StreetName][Comma][Space][Suburb][Space][PostCode][Comma][Space][State] |
Example of "RequestedAddress": 32/8 Main St, Greensborough 3088, VIC
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The status of the address validation. See BookingStatus in step 5 |
Once the address has been entered, it must be validated by the ValidateAddress service before going any further. You need to pass the Booking Id that you receive from CreateNewBooking Service, then the service will return the Booking instance with the validated address information and appropreiate booking status
There are two values in Booking.Address indicating the result of the address valiadation: Booking.Address.IsCompleted and Booking.Address.AddressDescription.
The IsCompleted value should be True if the address is valid for booking job, otherwise it should be False. You can also see the reason by looking at the AddressDescription value.
The BookingStatus is set to OtherDetailsRequired if the address is ready to make a booking, so client should then be prompted to enter their contact details.
If the BookingStatus is set to AddressUnrecognized, therefore the address is invalid. However booking a job is still allowed if the Booking.CallCentreEmail is not empty in the case, this makes the entered job to be followed up by the Call Centre, so client should be advised to put in their valid mobile or any contact number for the call back.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DivisionId | integer | Id of your division |
For displaying the services your page, you need to get the availabile services via GetServices service with Division Id. You can actually call the service at anytime, e.g. before you load the page, therefore only the Division Id is required.
This Api services will return you a list of service with service Id, service name and the service code.
The new BookAJim support multiple services to be selected, however only one service will be used for the job allocation, the rest will be mentioned in the lead message when SMS the franchisees.
NOTE: If you would like to have a specify list of services, please contact infot for more details. ech@ jims. net
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Id for your booking |
SelectedServiceId | integer | Required service Id. Must be populated for the allocation, therefore job will be allocated based on this service. |
ClientFirstName | string | Client first name |
ClientSurname | string | Client surname |
string | Client email | |
Mobile | string | Client contactable mobile |
PhoneNumber | string | Alternative phone number, can be home phone, mobile or work phone |
IsSubscribed | boolean | Wether the client would like to subscribe for Newsletter, special offers and survey |
ExtraSelectedServices | string | If client would like to require more services, those services must be passed by the extraSelectedServices argument. the extraSelectedServices is a string field with all Service.Code with comma separator. |
Comments | string | Comments from the client. |
ExpectedCallbackDateTime | string | A specify callback time that is required by the client. Franchisee who is working on that time will have an advantage on receiving the lead. Please leave it blank or empty string if it is not specified. |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The status of the address validation. See BookingStatus in step 5 |
It is an important Api service for the whole booking process, job must be allocated to franchisee by the DoAllocation service before logging the job into database. The DoAllocation process takes the client details and the selected services, then allocates the job to the soonest available franchisee based on rules and factors.
The allocation result is stated by the following BookingStatus:
Result | Description |
ReadyForBooking | Job is allocated successfully, the BookJob service in Step 7 should be called then. |
ConfirmingPrevious | Job is allocated successfully, however a previous job has been found and the system cannot identify whether this client has had the service before. |
So the client should be prompted to confirm if they have had the same service previously. Unserviced | Job cannot be allocated because no available franchisee can be found around that area. The client can then nominate whether the nearby franchisee should be notified (set the Bookings.IsNotifyNearbyFranchise to true) or do nothing. Please leave the BookingStatus as Unserviced. FollowUpByCallCentre | Job cannot be allocated due to an unrecognized address, however the client details have been forwarded to the Call Centre, so client should be contacted to follow up the quote.
If previous lead is found for the job and can be identified as a previous client, then the job will be allocated to the previous franchisee autmotically. However if previous lead is found but unable to be identifed as a previous client, e.g. the client name is different, then the BookingStatus will be set to ConfirmingPrevious, therefore client should be prompted to answer Yes, No or Unsure to clarify if they are the previous client
If client clarify that they ARE previous client, then call
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Id of your booking |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The BookingStatus is then set to ReadyForBooking. |
If client clarify that they ARE NOT previous client, then call
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Id of your booking |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The BookingStatus is then set to ReadyForBooking. |
If client is UNSURE if they are previous client, then call
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Id of your booking |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The BookingStatus is then set to ReadyForBooking. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Id for your booking |
Comments | string | Comment from client |
GoogleClickId | string | GCLID from Google. |
NotifyNearbyFranchisee | boolean | This value must be TRUE or franchisee won't receive any SMS for the lead; For testing purpose |
IsTest | boolean | This value must be FALSE or job will not be logged into FMS; For testing purpose |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | After the booking is made, the BookingStatus is set to Booked. This means the job is booked successfully. You can then find and display the Callback Message from Booking.SelectedFranchisee.CallBackMessage |
If the BookingStatus is set to TooSoon, that means the same service was booked by the same address and client in the last 24 hours, and therefore the job cannot be booked.
Id | Lead source |
1 | Newspaper Metro |
2 | Referral by Franchisee |
4 | Referral by Client |
5 | TV |
7 | Leaflet Drop |
8 | Yellow Pages Online |
12 | Yellow Pages Local |
13 | Other |
18 | White Pages |
22 | Website Divisional |
29 | Expo |
34 | Gift Voucher |
47 | Yellow Pages Connect |
61 | Jim's User |
66 | White pages online |
67 | Website National |
85 | Directory assistance |
87 | Website; Unspecified |
88 | Van/Trailer/Truck/Skip Bin |
98 | Local Business Directory |
99 | Hills Deal |
114 | Seek |
117 | True Local |
122 | Newspaper Local |
125 | Yellow Pages Metro |
135 | Unserviced Job |
136 | Fse Card or Magnet |
146 | Yellow Pages in Car |
153 | Radio |
171 | None |
173 | Direct Connect |
176 | Myerone |
179 | Knows Jim's |
191 | Rentaskip |
193 | |
194 | Trade Me |
203 | Billboard |
205 | |
231 | Rocklive |
238 | |
239 | Mowing Online Trial |
242 | Bookajim App |
245 | HI Pages |
246 | Betta Electrical |
248 | Drink Coaster |
251 | SMS to call us |
252 | Online Manual Entry |
253 | Live Chat Monitoring |
254 | Vuly |
255 | Connect Now |
256 | Red Energy |
Following is the lead source table
Note this service must be called before the BookJob service is called.
Parameter | Type | Description |
DivisionId | integer | Id of your division |
SourceId | integer | Id of the booking source |
Return | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Enquiry id |
DivisionId | integer | Division id, should be same as what you passed in |
Parameter | Type | Description |
DivisionId | integer | Id of your division |
SourceId | integer | Set this to 0 |
JimsProvider | string | Jim's leads provider (e.g. Webtron, TMC...) |
JimsProperty | string | Jim's digital property (e.g., |
UtmSource | string | Campaign Source (e.g. Google, Facebook...) |
UtmMedium | string | Campaign Medium (e.g. ppc...) |
UtmCampaign | string | Campaign Name (e.g. spring-sale...) |
UtmTerm | string | Campaign Term (e.g. mow-my-lawn...) |
UtmContent | string | Campaign Content (e.g. call2action1, call2action2...) |
Return | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Enquiry id |
DivisionId | integer | Division id, should be same as what you passed in |
It is always the first step for creating a new enquiry object.
Parameter | Type | Description |
BookingId | integer | Enquiry Id return from CreateNewBooking service |
RequestedAddress | string | Full address with unit number, street number, street name, suburb, postcode and state |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The status of the address validation. See BookingStatus in step 4 |
Once the address has been entered, it must be validated by the ValidateAddress service before going any further. The Booking Id that you receive from the CreateNewBooking Service is required for the server, then a Booking instance with a validated address information and the appropreiate booking status wil be returned.
There are two values in Booking.Address indicating the result of the address valiadation: Booking.Address.IsCompleted and Booking.Address.AddressDescription.
The IsCompleted value should be True if the address is valid for booking job, otherwise it should be False. You can also see the reason by looking at the AddressDescription value.
The BookingStatus is set to OtherDetailsRequired if the address is ready to make a booking, so client should then be prompted to enter their contact details.
If the BookingStatus is set to AddressUnrecognized, therefore the address is invalid. However booking a job is still allowed if the Booking.CallCentreEmail is not empty in the case, this makes the entered job to be followed up by the Call Centre, so client should be advised to put in their valid mobile or any contact number for the call back.
Parameter | Type | Description |
EnquiryId | integer | Enquiry Id return from CreateNewBooking service |
It is an important Api service for the whole process which takes the enquiry details, and allocates to the closest regional franchisor or divisional franchisor if none is found.
The allocation result is stated by the following BookingStatus:
Result | Description |
ReadyForBooking | Enquiry is allocated successfully, the Send enquiry service in Step 6 should be called then. |
ConfirmingPrevious | Enquiry is allocated successfully, however a previous enquiry has been found but cannot be identifed whether this client has had the enquiry before. |
So the client should be prompted to confirm if they have had the same enquiry previously.
If a previous enquiry is found for the entered address, user should be prompted to confirm if they had enquired previously.
System assume the enquiry is always the previous enquiry, so nothing should be done in this step if it is correct.
However if client selected they have not had any enquiry previously, the following service should be called to mark the enquiry as a NEW enquiry.
Parameter | Type | Description |
EnquiryId | integer | Enquiry Id return from CreateNewBooking service |
Return | Type | Description |
BookingStatus | integer | The EnquiryStatus is then set to ReadyForBooking. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
EnquiryId | integer | Id for your enquiry |
ClientFIrstName | string | Client First Name |
ClientSurname | string | Client Surname |
string | Client Email | |
Mobile | string | Client contactable mobile number |
Comments | string | Comment from client |
SendEnquiry | boolean | This value must be TRUE or franchisee won't receive any SMS for the enquiry; For testing purpose |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of your booking; Created automatically when CreateNewBooking is called |
DivisionId | integer | Id of your division |
LeadId | integer | Id of the booked lead |
AllocationDecision | Decision | The allocated information, included the selected franchisee. Refer to |
SelectedFranchise | Franchise | Selected Franchise. Refer to |
Address | Address | Address information, including street number, suburb, postcode, geo information. Refer to |
Client | Person | Client information, including Name, Phone number, email. Refer to |
ServiceId | integer | Id of selected service |
ExtraServicesCode | string | Services code that required additionally, separated by comma |
BookingStatus | BookingStatus | Booking status |
Comments | string | Comments from client |
ShouldNotifyFranchisees | boolean | Boolean value to indicate should the nearby franchisee be notified; Default to true |
GoogleClickId | string | The glcid from Google |
ExpectedCallBackDateTime | datetime | Date and time that client required for a call back from Franchisee. |
IsPreviousLead | boolean | Indicate whether the lead comes from a previous client (read-only) |
IsFranchiseeEnquiry | boolean | Indicate whether it is a franchisee enquiry (for franchisee enquiry only) |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of this particular allocation |
IfNew | Franchise | Selected Franchisee for new lead, this will be populated to Booking.SelectedFranchise if it is a new lead |
IfPrevious | Franchise | Selected Franchisee for prevoius lead, this will be populated to Booking.SelectedFranchise if lead comes from a previous client |
PrevoiusLeadId | integer | Id of the previous lead if any |
People | Person | Information of the previous client |
Notes | List of Note | List of notes for prevoius lead |
PreviousLeads | List of lead | All leads information required from this address |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of this particular allocation |
IfNew | Franchise | Selected Franchisee for new lead, this will be populated to Booking.SelectedFranchise if it is a new lead |
IfPrevious | Franchise | Selected Franchisee for prevoius lead, this will be populated to Booking.SelectedFranchise if lead comes from a previous client |
PrevoiusLeadId | integer | Id of the previous lead if any |
People | Person | Information of the previous client |
Notes | List of Note | List of notes for prevoius lead |
PreviousLeads | List of lead | All leads information required from this address |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the address |
IsComplete | boolean | Indicate if the address is complete and valid |
AddressDescription | string | Description for the address |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the person |
Title | string | Person title |
FirstName | string | Person first name |
Surname | string | Person surname |
FullName | string | Title + FirstName + Surname (read-only) |
Mobile | string | Contactable mobile number |
HomePhone | integer | Home phone or alternative contact number |
string | Email address | |
IsSubscribed | boolean | Indicate wether the client subscribe to newsletter, special offers and surveys |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the note |
NoteTypeId | integer | Id of the note type |
LeadId | integer | Relevant lead id |
Text | string | Text body |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the lead |
DivisionId | integer | Id of the lead division |
CurrentBusiness | Franchise | Allocated franchisee for the lead |
Address | Address | Address that required the lead |
Client | Person | Client who required the lead |
LeadStatus | LeadStatus | Status of the lead |
CurrentService | Service | Required service |
Property | Type | Description |
Id | integer | Id of the serivce |
FriendlyName | string | Service name |
Code | string | Service code |
IsSelected | boolean | Indicate wether the service is selected. Used when passing to the allocation process |
Id | status | Description |
1 | AddressRequired | Initial status for requiring address |
2 | AddresUnrecognized | Entered address cannot be recognized |
3 | OtherDetailsRequired | The entered address is accepted, now required more information |
4 | Unserviced | Job goes unserviced. |
5 | ConfirmingPrevious | Previous job found in the system for the same address but not identical as a same client, so it needs to be clarified |
6 | ReadyForBooking | Job allocated, the lead is ready to be booked |
7 | Booked | Job has been booked |
8 | Cancelled | Job has been cancelled |
9 | ClientIsRedFlag | There is an issue with the client, better to contact the call centre for further assistance |
10 | TooSoon | A same division service has been booked within 12 hours, lead cannot be booked. |
11 | FollowUpByCallCentre | Entered address is not recognized, so the booking is sent to the local call centre for the follow up. Call Centre may contact the client to clarify the details. |
Id | status | Description |
1 | Ok | Normal status |
2 | Suspended | Lead is suspended |
3 | Cancel | Lead is cancelled |
4 | Unserviced | Unserviced lead |